[custom_heading level=”h2″ float=”center” id=”” class=”” style=””]About Anna’s Kitchen Shrub[/custom_heading][divider direction=”center” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-ellipsis-h” icon_size=”20px” style=”” id=”” class=””]
[iconbox boxed=”true” id=”” class=”” style=”” href=”/about/shrub/”][iconbox_content padding=”true” title=”Shrub”]Today, shrubs may be the among the newest health trend in restaurants and bars, but they date all the way back to 17th century England. Learn even more about shrubs here.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” id=”” class=”” style=”” href=”/about/anna/”][iconbox_content padding=”true” title=”Anna”]From childhood to present day with her own family, Anna loves using clean and natural ingredients. Her line of shrubs is an extension of her healthy lifestlye. Learn about Anna here.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” id=”” class=”” style=”” href=”/about/annas-kitchen/”][iconbox_content padding=”true” title=”Anna’s Kitchen”]Anna’s Kitchen was founded in 2018 with the mission to provide healthy and clean ingredients for people to enjoy every day. Learn all about Anna’s Kitchen’s journey here.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]